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Bringing clarity to mental health

At Mentalica, we gather and review all digital mental health solutions in the UK. We assess the solution’s evidence base and rate its usability from the perspective of service users and service providers. We focus on solutions in English and languages represented in the UK, starting with Eastern European and South European languages.

"The passion to build Mentalica came from my experience as a psychologist, and the lived experience of my co-founder, Richard Papp. So the other day a counselling client asked me which mood tracker app I would recommend. I opened Google Play, and typed in burnout and stress. There were over thousands of solutions. I didn’t know which one would be effective or which one would make sense to pay for. I was shocked to find out that most have not been evaluated or researched."

Dr. Zsofia Szlamka

Meet the Team


The articles, app reviews, and mental health support materials available on this website are educational only and not professional advice. All solution/app reviews are conducted by Mentalica's mental health professionals and users.

©2023 by Mentalica. 

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